Angreal Init Behavior

When you call angreal init <template> we use the following decision tree to determining where we look for templates for download.

This should allow for :

  • people to re-use templates after clone more easily by using something like, angreal init and later with angreal init user/template.

  • angreal to provide supported templates at name that are accessible through both angreal init angreal/template or angreal init template

  • local development of temlpates via angreal init path/to/template where the template can exist in ${HOME}/.angrealrc/path/to/template or just path/to/template

Functionally this means if you run angreal init python at least once the following commands would be synonymous :

  • angreal init python
  • angreal init angreal/python
  • angreal init ${HOME}/.angrealrc/python
    graph LR; A[What does the template name look like] A -->|Git Remote| B[Does the destination directory exist?] A -->|Local File| C[Does the template folder exist at $HOME/.angrealrc ?] B -->|Yes| D[Fast forward pull, then use for template.] B -->|No| E[Clone remote, then use the template] C -->|Yes| F[Is it a git repo ?] C -->|No| G[Is it just a normal folder that exists?] F -->|Yes| H[Fast forward pull, then use the temlplate.] F -->|No| I[Use the folder as a bare template.] G -->|Yes| J[Use the folder as a bare template.] G -->|No| K[Does a folder exist at $HOME/.angrealrc/angreal ?] K -->|Yes| L[Fast forward pull, then use the temlpate.] K -->|No| M["Does a repo exist at"] M -->|Yes| N[Clone remote, then use template] M -->|No| O[Exit with a failure message]